Rodent Control

Maintaining a Rodent-Free Neighborhood: Tips for Homeowners and Tenants

Rodents such as rats and mice can spread disease, such as rabies, ratbite fever, hantavirus and food poisoning. They can contaminate food and living areas with their urine, droppings and hair. They can often cause significant damage to structures, stored goods and wiring because they can gnaw through wood, plaster, plastic and soft metals. The Milford Health Department encourages all residents to prevent rodent infestations, which starts with proactive measures taken by homeowners and tenants.The most important steps in eliminating and preventing rodent infestations are keeping living spaces clean, preventing rodent access, and eliminating potential nesting areas. By maintaining your property and following these simple guidelines, you can reduce the potential for rodent activity in your neighborhood. 

Key Steps to minimizing rodent activity on your property:  

1. Keep garbage in city issued trash cans with the lids closed - Proper waste management is crucial in deterring rodents from scavenging for food in your neighborhood. Keep trash cans tightly sealed to prevent easy access for rodents.

2. Maintain your property grass, weeds & shrubbery- Trimmed lawns and well-maintained landscaping minimize hiding spots for rodents, making your property less attractive to them.

3. Feed pets indoors, avoid leaving out bowls of food or water- Leaving pet food or water bowls outside can attract rodents. Feed your pets indoors and promptly clean up any spills or leftovers.

4. Turn over wood piles; use the amount of wood to the bottom and restack in a new area to prevent rodent burrowing. Stored materials such as firewood should be neatly stored, at least eight inches off the ground- Rodents often seek shelter in wood piles, so regularly turning them over and storing firewood off the ground can help prevent infestations.

5. Remove garden fruits & vegetables as they grow and/or fall- Fallen fruits and vegetables in your garden can attract rodents. Harvest produce promptly to prevent it from becoming a food source for rodents.

6. Avoid using bird feeders, do not throw bird seed or other food on the ground- Bird feeders and scattered bird seed can attract rodents. Minimize their use or clean up any spilled seed promptly.

7. Avoid putting food waste into compost bins that are not designed to be rodent proof- Rodents are attracted to compost bins with food waste. Use rodent-proof compost bins or properly dispose of food waste in sealed containers.

8. Empty or remove containers of standing water- Standing water can attract rodents and other pests. Regularly empty or remove containers that collect water to prevent infestations.

9. Remove unnecessary inorganic materials, junk, and debris, properly store lawn equipment and exterior tools- Cluttered outdoor spaces provide hiding spots for rodents. Keep your yard clean and organized to minimize hiding spots and potential nesting sites.

Please take the necessary steps to prevent rodent activity on your property. If you should have any questions, feel free to contact the Milford Health Department at 203-783-3287.