Sustainable Milford

Sustainable CT Logo - Silver Certified

Milford achieved Sustainable CT’s highest certification!

In the Fall of 2021, Milford became a Silver level Sustainable CT certified community! This is the highest level of certification offered in the Sustainable CT program.

The three-year certification was awarded to Milford for its environmentally sustainable practices, commitment to equity, and residents’ high quality of life.

Sustainable CT is a voluntary certification program that requires municipalities to choose from a wide range of actions, implement those actions, and earn points toward certification. Milford aligns with many of Sustainable CT’s standards as the city strives to be thriving, resilient, collaborative, equitable, and forward-looking. Milford achieves this while respecting the natural environment.

A diverse set of categories requires collaboration among many of the different groups within the city. We already committed to many of the actions that fall under the sustainable umbrella and continue to implement more community-driven projects. These reach far greater than what people view as the traditional environmental practices. The Sustainable Milford approach encourages and promotes the arts, economics, safety, public health, transportation, and overall well-being.

All thirteen categories were achieved within the 2021 application: inclusive and equitable community impacts, thriving local economies, well-stewarded land and natural resources, vibrant and creative cultural ecosystems, dynamic and resilient planning, clean and diverse transportation systems and choices, renewable and efficient energy infrastructure and operations, inclusive engagement, communication, and education, strategic materials management, optimal health and wellness opportunities, healthy, efficient and diverse housing, effective compassionate homelessness prevention, and innovative strategies and practices.

If you have any suggestions, ideas, questions, contributions, or if you would like to join the Sustainable Milford Team please contact Jeremy Grant (