Inland Wetland

The Inland Wetland Agency of the City of Milford was established in accordance with an ordinance adopted April 28, 1988 and implements the purposes and provisions of the Connecticut Inland Wetland and Watercourses Act in the City of Milford. The MIWA is responsible for the review and permitting of any work within an inland Wetland or watercourse or within an upland review area around a Wetland  or watercourse. The size of the upland review area is dependent upon the watershed the activity is proposed in. The Agency may also regulate outside of a wetland and it’s upland review area if it feels that the proposed activity will have an impact on the wetland or watercourse.
The Milford Inland Wetland and Watercourses Agency (MIWA) Regulations provide an orderly process to balance the need for the economic growth and the use of the land with the need to protect the environment and ecology. It is the purpose of the MIWA and it’s Regulations to protect the citizens by making provisions for the protection, preservation, maintenance and use of the inland Wetland and watercourses by:
  • minimizing their disturbance and pollution;
  • maintaining and improving water quality in accordance with the highest standards and criteria set by federal, state or local authority;
  • preventing damage from erosion, turbidity or siltation;
  • preventing loss of fish and other beneficial aquatic organisms, wildlife and vegetation and the destruction of the natural habitats thereof;
  • deterring and inhibiting the danger of flood and pollution;
  • protecting the quality of Wetland and watercourses for their conservation, economic, aesthetic, recreational and other public and private uses and values; and
  • protecting the state's potable fresh water supplies from the dangers ofndrought, overdraft, pollution, misuse and mismanagement.

Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
MaryRose Palumbo (U) Inland Wetlands Officer 203-783-3256 x4
Taft Clark, Jr. Clerk 203-783-3256

Commission Members

Name Title
Brett Broesder (D) Aldermen Liaison