Milford Youth Service Network

Milford Youth and Family Services serve as the liaison for the city to the Youth Network, as well as being a founding member. Additionally, our department functions as the corresponding secretary for Milford Youth Services Network.  This group meets the first Wednesday of the month (September – June) at the United Way of Milford Conference Room at 20 Evergreen Avenue, Milford, CT. (Call Human Services for a schedule.)

The Milford Youth Service Network is a consortium of city departments, organizations, businesses, students, parents and other concerned individuals committed to support and enhance the well-being of Milford’s youth through research, advocacy, community education and mobilization.

The Youth Service Network functions in 4 important ways:

  1. Collaboration and Networking: To encourage collaborative projects, programs and events in order in promote more comprehensive service provisions for young people.
  2. Public Relations and Lobbying: To raise the community’s awareness regarding key youth issues through information and lobbying with, and on behalf of, young people and youth service providers.
  3. Information Sharing: To provide the opportunity for the sharing of relevant information and resources to address issues that effect young people and youth service providers.
  4. Professional Development and Support: To recognize emerging youth issues and provide training and support for youth service providers as well as to promote other available training within the wider community.